Mammal like the dolphins and whales are said to be in danger when they come in and out of water to inhale and exhale. The oil and the toxic gas can affect the skins of these mammals and put their lives at risk The government should start organising for places where these animals can make new homes. Dolphins and whales should be captured and put in habitat protection areas.
It is estimated that about 30 sea turtles have been found dead on shore. Marine experts should take these dead animals in labs where they can find the cause of their death. This will then give them an idea on what action they should take.Pelicans have also been soaked in oil on shore which has stopped them from flying, floating on water and taking care of their babies.
This is a serious problem; the team of marine experts should save the animals at the same time that they are cleaning up the spill in order to increase efficiency. The babies should also be put in habitat protection areas. The animals should then be fed and taken care of so that they stay healthy.
The cattle on land are also affected as they drink water while grazing across farmland. Farmers should give treated water to their cattle as this will keep them away from any illness. The animal rescue team should inject most of the cattle so that they remain healthy and don't get sick.
The government needs to put more money into sending marine experts, both on-shore and off-shore animal protection, as well as for the clean up efforts .
The video shows how these animals are affected because of the oil spill.

The video shows how these animals are affected because of the oil spill.

Picture of a dead sea turtle found on shore of the Gulf of Mexico.
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